Made It Monday: Actually My Favourite Cake So Far

Welcome to #MadeItMonday, where I post something I’ve made in the previous week, and where you can join in and post something you made too! The rules are easy: post a pic somewhere of something you’ve made in the last week (ish; let’s say in the last month as the hard-and-fast) and tag it. Sit back and enjoy scrolling through all the beautiful things we’ve collectively created, and celebrate the fact that humans can be awesome! πŸ™‚

Like, ever. I really, REALLY like this cake. The brief was literally: bake me a cake, here’s my budget, feel free to try something new you’ve been wanting to try for a while. o.O Cue freak-out as I tried to figure out WHAT ON EARTH TO MAKE, ARRRRGH!! At first I was thinking of trying a geode cake, but then I ran out of time to make rock candy (and buying enough wasn’t an option within the client’s budget), so I figured I’d try fondant painting. AND I LOVED IT. One day, when my life is a little less *busy* (AH HA HA HA HA), I’d love to take a watercolour painting class so I could apply the techniques to painting cakes. I *really* enjoyed painting it. Like, *really*.

The only downer of this cake was that the flower is mostly white chocolate with only a little candy melt for colour, and it was HOT in January, so the petals wilted a little post-delivery pre-consumption. (It’s hard to find white candy melts in the stores here.) BUT! It looked beautiful and I’m super happy with it, even still, which is unusual because I usually go off my own cakes after a few weeks, probably from looking at them so much in a short period of time o.O But this one? I still look at it and love it, so YAY!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

What have you made this week? (It doesn’t have to be fancy!!) Don’t forget to tag your contribution, or even better, leave a link in the comments!! I love seeing what inspiring things other people have made πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


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