If I have to hear one more celebrity chef tell me that this meal “only takes 15 minutes” while standing in front of a bench covered with bowls of perfectly pre-diced and -sliced ingredients, I’m going to scream.

We all know it: those recipes DO NOT take 15 minutes to create.

That’s why I’ve created Cook With Amy, a monthly podcast where you can cook along with me in REAL time and see what’s it like to make a recipe when you DON’T have a bevy of assistants to do the prep work, when getting anything from your kitchen pantry is like playing TETRIS, and when you CAN’T chop things faster than the speed of light.

Come join me on a culinary adventure for the rest of us. Real cooking for real people.


Note: The timings below are for the whole recording, including a short introduction, plating up the food, and – of course – rummaging in the pantry to find the ingredients 😉

Creamy Indian-Style Chickpea Curry (46 mins)
Mexican Vegetarian Nachos (52 mins)
Potato & Leek Soup (36 mins)

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