So, I was away over Easter, and then I ended up sick, which has been super fun. But the break was definitely lovely, and much needed and appreciated.
So here we are, back again, vaguely functional, plodding on toward all the deadlines
Just a quick update today. First of all, I’ve updated the new releases page with the preorder for Bones Of The Sea. The preorder links aren’t live yet, I don’t think, but they will be shortly and I’ll post here when they are. Bones is slated for release on June 7 (though backers of the recent Kickstarter will be getting their copies hopefully at the end of this month, yay incentive to back Kickstarters!) and phew, I really need to get cracking on finishing it >.<
I’ve also done some other random website updates too, including most excitingly for you, the freebies page! Head on over and take a look at the offerings if you’re in the mood. There may or may not be a sneaky cover reveal over there too Ten points if you can tell me what it is hehe.
Otherwise, I’m super enjoying listening to audiobooks – I’m attempting the Wheel Of Time series AGAIN, I think this is attempt five or six? I really enjoy the series but it’s just so LONG I’ve never made it past book 5. But I finished book 1 in the last week and am well in to book 2 right now, so audio may be the way to go. We’ll see. We’ll see.
(I also really need to read Frankenstein this holidays for school, and a fantastic book on the history of unicorns for my next Aurealis article.)
OH and the 2020 Aurealis shortlist is now out, too. Congratulations to all the shortlisted authors! It was super, super fun being part of the judging panel for the fantasy novellas this year; I’m already contemplating which category I might apply to help judge for the 2021 awards