Friday Favs

It’s supposed to have been a short week this week but it sure doesn’t feel that way 😛 I’m hitting Friday evening pretty exhausted after a week of poor sleep – but! I have a relatively clear weekend so sleeping in will be a Thing and hopefully that will help 🙂

In the meantime, here’s what’s been keeping me going.

Things I’m grateful for today:

  • T2 Terrific Toffee black tea. Sweet and creamy but LACTOSE FREE. *drools happily*
  • Sunshine. Sure, it means I need to remember to actually WATER my winter garden, but it’s easier not to fall into the winter sads with lots of still-warm sunshine.
  • Vitamin D, haha. I realised about two weeks ago I needed to up my dose, and BEHOLD it definitely helped. I am prone to the literal winter sads (Seasonal Affective Disorder) so having ready access to Vitamin D tablets is definitely something I’m grateful for.
  • Dance! I am SO enjoying learning Irish dance, and it’s ridiculous how much more motivated I feel to actually get up and MOVE when I feel like it’s for a purpose i.e. being able to make it through a one-hour class without turning into a tomato-face. #LifeGoals.
  • Books. After struggling to read much all year, I’m reading not one but TWO books I’m really enjoying right now. One is Ship Of Magic by Robin Hobb, which I have literally owned since I was in university, so my copy is at least 15 years old and as-yet unread 😛 The other is an as-yet unpublished novel by J.C. Nelson, which I will plug more when it comes out because OMG IT IS GOOD, the kind of good that has you thinking about it at all the random moments of the day and wanting to get back to reading it.
  • Board games – specifically, short, 15- to 20-minute ones I can play with the kids, specifically in this instance Abducktion and Draftosaurus, our two latest acquisitions.

I could keep going, actually, even though I’m actually feeling pretty tired and grumpy, but dinner needs to be retrieved from the oven so Imma go do that. Let me know in reply something you’re grateful for today! <3

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