Welcome to #MadeItMonday, where I post something I’ve made in the previous week, and where you can join in and post something you made too! The rules are easy: post a pic somewhere of something you’ve made in the last week (ish; let’s say in the last month as the hard-and-fast) and tag it. Sit back and enjoy scrolling through all the beautiful things we’ve collectively created, and celebrate the fact that humans can be awesome!
This week, I’m excited to reveal to you the cover I made for The Inklet Collection, the in-progress extremely giant (900 pages!) hardcover collection of all 107 Inklets! (There are 100 Inklet books, but 7 of them are double issues, so there are 107 Inklet stories in total.)
Isn’t it pretty?!?!

The collection will officially be out on August 7 next year, but you can grab an early copy through the Kickstarter that launches TONIGHT! 🙂 The collection definitely isn’t cheap (c’mon, 900-page hardcover o.O) but it IS the cheapest way to get the entire collection of Inklets in *any* format, so there is that going for it.
Regardless, it was a super fun cover to make and I’m really happy with how it turned 🙂
And now, what have you made this week? Don’t forget to tag your contribution, or even better, leave a link in the comments!! I love seeing what inspiring things other people have made 🙂 🙂 🙂
Want more? Check out my stories on Instagram and say hi, or join my never-actually-monthly-even-though-that’s-what-I-intend mailing list!
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