Hello it is Inklet day and I have a new Inklet to introduce you to.
I also have EXTREMELY EXCITED SQUEEING because OMG YOU GUYS THE INKLETS ARE NEARLY DONE. (Did I say that last week? Possibly, I am very consistently excited right now about them being nearly done, but regardless, THIS WEEK THEY ARE EVEN MORE DONE THAN LAST WEEK, YAY.)
*Today’s* Inklet is one that came out back in May. It’s an instalment* in my Age Of Unicorns world, fondly known as the Puricorns. One day, there will be novels (one even has a cover already), but for now there are just a couple of short stories – one of which isn’t published actually, hmm. It was in the Inklet line-up originally but the middle is kind of… EH. So I pulled it, but maybe y’all would enjoy a lil freebie story tomorrow in the Puricorn/Age Of Unicorns world, even if it does have a slightly eh middle?
ANYWAY hello today is Perfect Destruction. Yay!
Kiana’s last day at the magically-charged fence that protects the world from hyper-destructive unicorns: A day of celebration, right?
Not when the extraction team runs late and an ominous storm brews—and her partner has been keeping a potentially fatal secret…
For everyone who’s ever been suspicious of the perfect-persona of the unicorn and who understands what true sacrifice means.
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