A Meta-Garden Update And Discussion Of New Future Plans

Welp, I was going to post a garden video update video today, but our internet still won’t connect at the new house, and I’m very nearly out of phone data, so you get a couple of pictures of the new yard instead.

Also, this is a random time to mention, but I am going to be starting a new sub-brand for garden-related adventures. Years back, pre-children, my spousal person and I were registered Labrador breeders. Our breeder name was Duskwood, and we know that if ever we get that acreage we’re dreaming of, it will be called Duskwood. But now that I’ve moved somewhere that actually has a garden worth keeping up with, we talked about it and decided that it was a good time to launch a Duskwood brand, and start practising producing content. Practising in public, right?

So. Duskwood. It’ll be a thing. Hopefully soon. Like, as soon as I get functional internet again >.<

In the meantime, some pictures of some highlights of the new garden ๐Ÿ™‚

A beautiful red camelia by the front gate ๐Ÿ™‚

Corner full of loganberries, which are now starting to bloom! (This picture is, I think, 2 weeks old?)

Volunteer* potato plants! I doubt they’ll produce many tubers because they’re rogues and haven’t been hilled up, but that’s okay. They still make me happy ๐Ÿ™‚

So yes. Inheriting a yard several several times larger than the old one with roses, strawberries, raspberries, loganberries, potatoes and the camelia? Much happiness indeed *hearty eyes*

* Volunteer plants are ones that planted themselves.

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