Sooo this is pretty cool. IDK if you know or not, but inventing actual blue pigments that work and don’t kill you is actually SUPER hard. Blue isn’t very common in nature, and throughout history it’s been a pretty rare and valuable pigment as a result.
That’s not the REASON I used blue as the colour basis for the Witch Clans in my Witch Blue universe* (of which Rush Job is currently the only published installation), but nevertheless it’s a pretty cool factoid that does work well with the power structures of the Witch Blue world/s.
*Actually, I don’t know why I picked blue. Now I need to go look up my notes and see if I can figure that out…
So imagine my excitement this week when I learned that a brand new blue pigment has successfully been invented! Now I need to go revise the clan names, because having Clan YinMn (pronounced yin-min) is too cool not to include.
The current Witch clans are:
Clan Cerulean (mind-control powers)
Clan Azure (polygraph powers)
Clan Prussian (nagivational powers)
Clan Indigo (psychometry)
Clan Pthalo (telepathy)
Clan Lapis (precognitive powers)
Clan Ultramarine (empaths)
Clan Cobalt (emoters – can manipulate people’s emotions)
Clans Cerulean and Lapis have to stay, because they are mentioned in both Rush Job, and the short story Cerulean Blue in the collection It All Changes Now. But otherwise, if I was going to sub one out for YinMn, which one should it be????????
P.S. The Clans are based on your MyerBriggs Personality Type. If you let me know what your type is, I’ll let you know which Clan you belong to 😀 (And if you’re not sure, you can use this quiz here – especially helpful because it gives you percentages for each axis, so if you do use this test, let me know your percentages too for Definitive Clan Sorting.)