Welcome to #MadeItMonday, where I post something I’ve made in the previous week, and where you can join in and post something you made too! The rules are easy: post a pic somewhere of something you’ve made in the last week (ish; let’s say in the last month as the hard-and-fast) and tag it. Sit back and enjoy scrolling through all the beautiful things we’ve collectively created, and celebrate the fact that humans can be awesome!
Work finally quietened down on Wednesday last week, right before the holidays (which started Friday). I did sew a playmat (well, hubs did most of it, but I participated), and yesterday I drew a sketch for a new pin design for another collaboration with The Black Kookaburra (unicorns ftw!), but other than that most of my creativity has been funnelled into writing.
As I mentioned on Friday, I’m going to try to complete ten short stories during the ~20 days I have off, which means I need to finish a story every second day. The stories are averaging about 4 – 6k each so far, so that means I need to write 2 – 3k per day, which is a fairly significant chunk of time. But! I’m having fun, and I’m on track so far; I should be finishing the third story some time today 🙂
So, because of that, my most significant Made-It contribution in the last week has been the cover for these stories. I decided that I would collect these ten stories together in a little anthology called April Showers (I say little, but really it’ll be somewhere between 40 and 60k, or the same length as the Sanctuary books) which I’ll put out later in the year. (Not sure on the exact date because I do want to send the stories around to some magazines first to see if they want to pay me for them 😉 )
But at some point, these will be available for you guys to read, and I think you’re going to love them. The first two-and-a-half are a lot of fun so far 😀
Here’s the cover. I knew that I didn’t want to constrain the stories with regards to genre, which meant I needed a fairly generic-ish cover. I wanted something that fit with my general colour scheme for covers thus far, and of course I’ve used two fonts there that appear frequently on Inkprint Press titles (Desire and All Modern, in case you were interested).
The first story I finished for the anthology features rain and is set in autumn – conveniently, the season I’m writing the stories in, since it’s autumn here now in Australia. So that, I decided, would be the link: ten rainy autumn stories, written in April.
So I hunted for a rain-themed image that fit with my colour scheme… and this was the image I settled on. It’s generic enough that it will fit with all the stories, but moody and atmospheric at the same time. It fits with my other covers due to the colours and fonts, and hopefully it’s also eye-catching!
Anyway. I’m happy with it, and I’m having a lot of fun writing random stories without pressure. Hurrah.
And now, what have you made this week? Don’t forget to tag your contribution, or even better, leave a link in the comments!! I love seeing what inspiring things other people have made 🙂 🙂 🙂