So, Inklet #5, The Wasporcist, is out now – hurrah! But I realised something last night, as I finally lay down to sleep at nearly 1am after dealing with a vomiting small person and writing cover lessons for my classes today: my ears started ringing – you know, that high-pitched whine they sometimes get for no apparent reason? – and I realised that I’d forgotten to put that in the ‘Making Of’ section of The Wasporcist.
I had totally forgotten that most of why that story came about was actually because I had a couple of days several years ago where my ears started ringing and just would. not. quit. It made everything sound like I was hearing it from underwater, and it was a tinny kind of rushing noise rather than the high-pitched electronic-sounding whine you usually get, and it lasted for more than a day. It was so weird.
And so, of course, I got to thinking about what might have caused the whine, you know, worse-case-scenario writer-brainstorming style. And lo: The Wasporcist was born.
It’s a creepy little short about the dangers of naivety (like any good horror story), and for some reason it seems to be one of my most memorable shorts? Like, whenever I ask friends/readers which of my short stories they actually *remember*, The Wasporcist is always high on the list (often accompanied by Shoe, the single other horror short I’ve written; maybe this is telling me something, hmm).
So anyway, I thought today I’d rectify that omission from the “Making Of” section, and tell you the true origins of my creepiest short story yet 😀
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Buy it now in ebook or in print! (1600 words, YA horror)