You mean I actually have to start *thinking* about blogging again? Whoa. What is this.
More seriously, though, May/June are horror months at Le Daye Job and not having to blog so much then has been amazing. SO. I’m tentatively thinking I might schedule a book to post every May/June?? We Shall See, as they say. (And no, it won’t always be writer-centric non-fiction ;))
…Oops that’s the garbage truck coming past, forgot to put the bins out. Urgh. See me fail at scheduling this week, as ever in the first week of holidays.
Anyway… look, I was going to wrap up here but since this is apparently a rambly post full of rambles, I might as well ramble a little more re: upcoming plans etc etc.
- When Worlds Collide is very nearly a Thing, you guys! Preorders are up everywhere preorders can be for ebook, and print pre-orders will be up at the end of this month. Release is August 23(ish, depending on your time zone) and there is a launch party on August 30 🙂
- To celebrate the conclusion of my first ever trilogy, I’m bundling the lot: in early September, there will be both an ebook bundle containing all three Sanctuary novels (and a couple of bonus short stories/deleted scenes/Easter eggs etc) AND A HARDCOVER LIKE WHOA. The hardcover price is going to be RIDICULOUS in some places, sorry (about $33US and holy moly $52 AU), so I’m not *actually* expecting anyone to buy those, but I wanted one as a keepsakey type thing so meh, if I’m going to the effort of making it, I might as well make it available just in case anyone is crazy enough to pay for it, right? (And hey, it’s still cheaper to buy the hardcover than all three books individually, so you know.)
- I accidentally published a new book last week? More details on this on Thursday.
- Next novel is officially In Progress. I’m editing one of my fav books I wrote way back in 2009, which has gone through half a hundred iterations as I struggled to figure out how to tell the story I wanted. Well, coincidentally, I found a stunning cover last month, released it would work for this book, and suddenly I have the missing ingredients I needed. Woo hoo!
- I now actually have a genuine estimate for From The Ground Up. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that I got the rights back from the publisher a couple of months ago (amicably) and have been trying to figure out how to go about getting it fact-checked and getting illustrations/diagrams done. The fact-checking side of things is NEARLY all sorted, and I have a plan for release. I’ll put that in a separate post though, because this one’s getting unwieldy… (In fact, I’m going to back date this one to Tuesday and use the FGU post for Wednesday AND THEN IT WILL LOOK LIKE I DIDN’T FORGET TO BLOG THIS WEEK AH HA HA HA HA.)