So, one of the kids said something about, I don’t know, whales or something the other day. Maybe there were manta rays on Octonauts, actually, and I pulled up a video on YouTube. I think that’s how this story starts. And then, in the murky middle, there was a click spree, where the kids were like CUTE ANIMAL IN SIDEBAR, WATCH THAT VIDEO MUM, and then, before I knew it, I’d come to the end of the story and found THIS:
I did not realise that baby sea otters floated, and that their mothers wrap them in seaweed to stop them from randomly drifting away!
Young miss, whom I am from now on going to refer to as Sara on le Internetz,* was also super impressed that the mummies swim around cuddling their babies. She is 3, and extremely cuddly, so you know.
* This constant referral to my kids by age or euphemism is doing my head in, so I am just going to give them internet names. The Pink Miss, currently 3, is Sara, and Mr Opinions, aged 6, is Ivan. Thus have I spoke, thus shall it be. (And yes, those of you privy to Actual Names may spot the correlations. Ha.)