I’ve been sick since Friday a week and a half ago, and as of writing this, the plague shows no signs of abating. If by some miracle I’m well on Wednesday when this goes live, I might swap it out for a ‘real’ post, but for now, just touching base to say hi, here I am, be-plagued and coughing up my lungs, but still alive.
I’m *nearly* done with the peak marking season for this semester (hopefully *am* done by the time this posts?), which means I can get back to writing When Worlds Collide (Sanctuary #3). I haven’t written for nearly 4 weeks, so it’ll take a while to get back into the swing of things, but hurrah! I’m looking forward to it 🙂
There will also be a Sanctuary omnibus released later in the year, with all three books in one. I think I’ve alluded to this before, because I have vague memories of mentioning the cover, which I have seen, and which is glorious 🙂
Also coming this year is a book of poetry (because why not), and even if I don’t get From The Ground Up fully completed, I have plans to release 3/5 sections of the book as stand alone titles in the Inkprint Writers series (the other two sections don’t stand alone, so you’ll have to grab the full edition of From The Ground Up if you want those) and at least one of those should be ready to go during this calendar year.
Then there’s also How Not To Take Over The World, which is pretty much done (just needs line editing, mostly). I was planning to release this in October, but as WWC is taking a little bit longer than anticipated (due to not writing this last month) and will likely be an August release, I may end up releasing HNOT early next year, so I can follow it up with books 2 and 3 in short order, rather than having a long gap between releases 🙂
So you know. I’m sick, work’s busy, and I haven’t written in about a month, but Things are still Happening, there are plenty of plans for future releases, and it’s only just over a month until How To Theme is officially released 🙂