Even though we are, like, the capital of the country, it’s surprising how few Big Name Authors we get stop here. So when I discovered about six weeks ago that Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner were coming to town, I was EK-SIGH-TED!! Very.
They did an ‘in conversation’ talk and signed tonight at a local indie bookstore, and you guys, it was fabulous B-) Amie and Meagan are witty and charming and passionate and enthusiastic and smart and just generally pretty darn awesome people. Listening to them was a delight 🙂
I got my Starbound Trilogy books signed (which, if you haven’t read yet and you’re into YA, I don’t care if you think you’re into sci fi or not YOU SHOULD READ THESE BOOKS because they are GLORIOUS! The first one in the series won the Aurealis in 2014 for Best Young Adult Novel) and picked up a copy of the first book in their new duology, Unearthed. Super looking forward to holidays in a week’s time so I can clear my schedule and read.
Also, Amie and I happened to be wearing identical dresses. Modcloth, #ftw! 😀 hee.
You can find Amie on Twitter or at her website, and Meagan is also on Twitter, and here’s her website. Go check out their books; they’re lovely humans and excellent, excellent writers. <3