Right what it says on the can: photos of my adventures in Laos 🙂 Sadly, a lack of photos of me cartwheeling off elephants into the Mekong, as we haven’t been able to retrieve those pics yet. Rest assured, I shall share if I can 😀 But for now, other pics! Constrained, of course, by the fact that I was travelling with minors and am not going to publicly post pictures of them 😉
Our brief glimpse of Bangkok (we overnighted when we first arrived).Still life with bicycle, Laos-style.One of Luang Prabang’s many temples, and yet more proof that other people are unable to wield my beast of a camera! 😉Grumpy Laotian dog is grumpy.Is it wrong that this is my favourite picture from the entire trip?Cat! They are everywhere around Luang Prabang. Restaurants, guesthouses, random streets and shops…Ellingfant!Our bedrooms while we were up in the remote villages building a toilet block for the new two-room school 🙂 Check out the vieeeeeeewwwwww!Me + team + boat! We cruised upriver for two days to get from Laos to Thailand. Very chilled.Pre-hike in the northern mountains of Thailand. Less chilled than the wonderfully cool boat, but I’m still wearing my sexy beast of a hat, so it isn’t meltingly humid /just/ yet.One of the more precarious moments of the hike – though not tragically precarious; there’s a handrail out of shot 😉Behold, the lack of hat and beetrooty complexion! Think 35 degrees C, 60% humidity, and 2000m. UP. *dies*At the uppest of the up. Observe the mist, and the fact therefore that it is no longer meltingly humid. Just sweatifyingly humid. (Still red.)It’s not breaching privacy if you can’t actually SEE any of them, is it? O:) Morning one of the hike: I awake to snoring blanket bundles.The humidity is big, the elephants are big – and so are the butterflies. This particular emerald-green one was the size of my hand-and-fingers with its wings out.More big things! Actually, these caterpillars were delightfully furry rather than terrifyingly hairy, and apparently turn into white moths. #pretty.Room with a view (of the mountains of northern Thailand).Post-trek. Still humid. This is the White Temple in Chiang Rai – simultaneously beautiful and disturbing. #artistwin.Just what you need to counter the humidity! FROZEN GREEN SYRUP DRINK!! But hey: at least they’re honest. 😀
So there you go. Laos/Thailand in 19 photos. Hurrah!
Edited to add: It occurs to me that an appropriate alternate title for this post would be, “Selfies: One Hundred and One”. This is because, as alluded to in the captions, no one can figure out how to use the zoom on my digital SLR, so when I hand it over for pictures, I am always thiiiis big > < and you need a magnifying glass to find me in the photo. Hence, selfies. Sorry. 😀