The cover for the SFR Brigade anthology has been released! Isn’t it shiny? 🙂
From the SFR Brigade website:
The anthology features nine stories from nine different authors in a variety of styles and settings including space opera, near future, apocalyptic, Earth-based and alien romance. (You may even discover some favorite characters from Science Fiction Romance in the line-up. *wink*)
The price of the anthology? Free!
Our plan is to conquer the universe reach a wide audience with this stellar story sampling–especially all the Science Fiction Romance fans out there who don’t yet realize they are SFR fans! (Resistance is futile.)
We’re shooting for a midsummer launch of the Tales from the SFR Brigade Anthology.
Isn’t this exciting? I know the cover is not everyone’s cup of tea (my husband, for example :P) but I think the colours are gorgeous, and hello: MY NAME ON IT. With stellar, amazing, awesome, talented, brilliant co-authors.
And GUYS! It’s FREE!
This is a very exciting thing. You will be excited. As they say: resistance is futile 😀